TMS 402/602-22 Registration

  • A complimentary 3-month trial subscription to TMS 402/602-22 through Masonry Standards Online
  • Email notifications about any errata issued

*Instructions for redeeming your subscription will be sent to the email provided on the form below in the next few weeks.

Your registration code can also be used to redeem a complimentary 6-month membership in TMS.

Contact if you encounter any problems submitting this form.

TMS 402/602-22 Notecard Registration

Registration Information

Your email will be used to notify you if any errata are issued for TMS 402/602-22 and provide instructions for accessing the web-based version.
The registration code is found on the notecard included with your shrink wrapped book.

Survey Information

Please help us learn more about who is using the TMS 402/602 by answering the questions below.
Which role(s) best describe your job?
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