Mr. Ed Gerns, Senior Principal at Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates (WJE) has been appointed by The Masonry Society’s (TMS) Technical Activities Committee (TAC) as the new Chair of TMS’s Existing Masonry Committee. Gerns replaces Mr. Robb Haukohl, who successfully led the Committee for a number of years, and who recommended Gerns to replace him in this important leadership role. Gerns has been active in the TMS Existing Masonry Committee since 2008.
During Gern’s 30 years at WJE he has been a project manager and project architect/engineer experienced in the investigation and repair of deteriorated conditions in existing buildings. He performs evaluations of brick, terra cotta, and stone masonry, assesses causes of collapse or distress in existing cladding systems, and has inspected numerous structures damaged by wind, ice, snow, and fire. Gerns has overseen preparation of repair documents for contemporary and historic buildings and structures.
The Masonry Society (TMS) is an educational, scientific, and technical society dedicated to the advancement of scientific, engineering, architectural, and construction knowledge of masonry. The Society is a not-for-profit, membership driven organization that gathers, correlates, and disseminates information for the improvement of the design, construction, manufacture, use, and maintenance of masonry products and structures. As part of these efforts, TMS develops standards, guides, and other resources, educates through seminars, workshops, conferences, and collaborates with the construction industry, design profession and other leaders desiring to see a better and more resilient built environment. Members include engineers, architects, educators, manufacturers, contractors, craftsmen, students, and others with an interest in masonry.
TMS’s Existing Masonry Committee is one of its most popular and active committees, working on several documents including its Guide for Condition Assessment of Masonry Facades and numerous educational offerings.
For more information, contact The Masonry Society at 303-939-9700.