Based on a proposal received from the industry, which was supported by The Masonry Society’s Technical Activities Committee (TAC), the Board of Directors approved forming a Modular Unfired Clay Standards Committee at the 2022 Annual Meeting. While the mission, goals and activities of the Committee are being considered, an initial proposal is posted here, though revisions are expected based on discussions at the meeting.
TMS invites all interested individuals to apply for Committee Membership here. Once a Chair is appointed, applicants will be considered and contacted, likely during the first quarter of 2023.
Ben Loescher
Proposed Mission
To develop a reference standard for the design of earthen masonry wall systems based on the
best available research as well as traditional and modern construction practice, which will allow
the retirement to all references to TMS 402 (16) and facilitate the expansion of earthen masonry
from a significant niche product to full integration within the masonry industry.
Proposed Goals
Near Term (3 Year):
- Establish a consensus standard for adobe brick which can be referenced in the
IBC for the prescriptive design of adobe masonry, in regions of low seismic and
moderate wind risk, and allow the full retirement of TMS 402 (16). - Establish prescriptive design criteria to guide the use of Compressed Earth Block
(CEB) and Stabilized Compressed Earth Block (SCEB) in regions of low seismic
and moderate wind risk. This goal may be deferred to Medium Term if necessary.
Medium Term (6 Year):
- Based on testing, establish criteria for the use of performance based design of
adobe and CEB masonry in regions of low wind and seismic risk. - Develop QA/QC criteria for earthen blocks appropriate for use in conjunction with
IBC Chapter 17, Special Inspections and Tests.
Long Term (9 Year):
- Based on what is expected to be an extensive testing and research regime,
establish criteria for the use of strength based design of adobe and CEB masonry
in seismic and high wind environments in accordance with FEMA P-695.