The Masonry Society recognizes members and non-members with a number of scholarships, awards, and other recognitions.
In general, TMS Members must nominate individuals or groups for the awards below.
Awards & Recognitions
Honorary Membership
Honorary Membership is the highest honor that TMS can bestow on a member. It recognizes individuals who have attained acknowledged eminence related to masonry research, design, or construction. Only a TMS member may nominate an individual for honorary membership. Nominations may be submitted at any time, although nominations are typically considered during the early spring of each year so that the awards can be adequately considered at the Spring Meetings of TMS. Submit nominations to TMS. Honorary Members carry the designation HTMS, Honorary Member of The Masonry Society.
Fellow Membership
To qualify for Fellow Membership status, a TMS Member must have made outstanding contributions to the Society and have been a Member for no less than 10 consecutive years. Nominations are due by February 1st each year. Those granted Fellowship status will be honored at the following Annual Meeting of TMS, and will carry the designation FTMS, Fellow of The Masonry Society.
Paul Haller Structural Design Award
The Paul Haller Structural Design Award is given to an individual engineer or an engineering firm that has enhanced the knowledge of masonry in practice. This award recognizes the beauty, elegance, and economy of structural masonry projects. The Award may be presented yearly, although no award needs to be given in a year.
John B. Scalzi Research Award
The John B. Sclazi Research Award, named after Dr. John Scalzi of the National Science Foundation, is presented annually by The Masonry Society to honor an individual who has made an outstanding, lifetime contribution to masonry research. To nominate someone for the award, please send a brief statement of why the candidate should be considered along with the candidate’s resume summarizing their contributions to masonry research to . This award is presented annually at The Masonry Society’s Annual Meeting.
Service Award
The Masonry Society’s Service Award is presented annually to an individual who has volunteered in special, and typically unseen, ways to assist the Society. The intent of the award is to recognize those who continually assist the Society, but who are not normally recognized for their efforts. Nominations are due on June 30th of each year. Up to three (3) Service Awards can be presented in a year. Both TMS Members and nonmembers of the Society are eligible for the award.
Student Scholarships & Awards
James L. Noland Student Scholarship
Established in 1995 to honor the memory of James L. Noland, the Noland Fellowship is awarded every four years to a graduate student who is doing research on masonry. This research can be in materials, structures, architecture or construction and must be performed under the direction of a member of The Masonry Society. Read more and download a nomination form.
Clayford T. Grimm, P.E. Student Scholarship
Established in 2007 to honor the memory of Clayford T. Grimm, this Scholarship is awarded every year to a Master’s level graduate student who is conducting research in masonry. The investigation can be in masonry materials, structures, construction, or architecture and must be performed under the direction of a member of The Masonry Society. Read more and download a nomination form.
Outstanding Student Thesis & Dissertation Awards
The Masonry Society’s (TMS) Student Thesis Awards are presented annually by TMS’s Research Committee to the best doctoral dissertation and master’s thesis on masonry topics. Read more and submit a thesis here.
Leadership Positions
The Masonry Society accepts nominations for key leadership positions (President, Member of the Board of Directors, Committee Chair, etc.). To nominate someone for a leadership position, email with the person’s name and a brief reason why you are recommending someone for the noted position.