Generous members often make unspecified donations to TMS. These donations are very helpful, as they can be allocated to TMS’s General Fund for use as needed and are not restricted in use.
If you would like to make a tax deductible contribution to the the General Fund, or other designated funds such as the Endowment Fund or Pilot Project Fund, simply send a check to TMS indicating how you would like your contributions to be used or donate online.
Contributors to the General Fund since December 2008
Contributions of $2,000 or more
- Atkinson Noland Associates, donated a production Copier/FAX/Scanner
- David T. and Monica Biggs, Biggs Consulting Engineers
- John Chrysler, Masonry Institute of America, donated speaker honorariums, and 2 computer projectors as well as monetary donations
- Rochelle C. Jaffe
- Rashod Johnson, Ardmore Roderick
- Raymond T. Miller, P.E., S.E., donated speaker honorarium, laptop computer, office conference table and chairs, and numerous other monetary gifts of more than $5000 to the General Fund
- National Concrete Masonry Association
- Phillip and Karen Samblanet, various general fund monetary donations and waived speaker honorarium for seminars totaling over $10,000
- Jason J. Thompson, including donated speaker honorariums for seminars totaling over $3,700
Contributions of $1,000 to $1,999
- Steve Borman, Keystone Masonry, Inc.
- Russell H. Brown
- James and Julianne Colville
- Canan D’Avela
- James Farny, Portland Cement Association
- Gregory R. Hess
- Ed and Katy Huston
- Donald G. McMican, DGM Consultants, P.A.
- Northwest Concrete Masonry Association
Contributions of $500 to $999
- Daniel P. Abrams
- Gina Adams, RCP Block & Brick
- Amde Amde
- James E. Amrhein
- Peter M. Babaian, including waived honorarium totaling $750
- Ivan Cecica, Becica Associates, LLC
- Richard M. Bennett, including donated speaker honorariums for seminars totaling over $500
- J. Gregg and Kathleen Borchelt
- John Bufford, ACME Brick
- California Conference of Mason Contractors Association
- Robert N. Chittenden, Chittenden Engineering
- Trey and Nancy Hamilton
- Paul Hoggatt, Hoggatt, G.P., LLC
- Pam Jergenson, including donated speaker Honorariums for seminars totaling $300
- John M. Melander, Portland Cement Association
- Vilas and Ingrid Mujumdar
- Russell Peterson
- J. Patrick Rand
- Christine A. Subasic
- Margaret Thomson
- Diane Throop
- Scott Walkowicz
- Casey Williams, including waived honorarium totaling $750
- WDP And Associates
Contributions of $100 to $499
- Donald Beers, Adrian Engineering, Inc.
- Craig M. Bennett
- Thomas and Anne Boothby
- Douglas Burton, Whitman Masonry Inc.
- Steve Dill
- Robert G. Drysdale
- Kami Farahmandpour
- Richard C. Felice
- J. Kent Grubaugh
- Benchmark Harris
- Timothy Hess
- Ronald J. Hunsicker
- Lawrence F. Kahn
- Robert A. Massina, Kelly Masonry Corp.
- Bill Kjorlien
- David Kurtanich
- Darrell McMillian
- Robert W. Melton III
- Nuway, Inc.
- Jerry M. Painter
- Jorge Luis Perez
- Cara A. Phillips, Martin and Martin
- Glenn P. Rentschler, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
- Stephen B. Richard
- Ruth Rindin
- Arturo E. Schultz
- Paul G. Scott
- Daniel Shapiro
- P. Benson Shing
- John G. Tawresey
- Brian E. Trimble
- Western American Mineral & Chemical Consultants, Inc.
Contributions up to $99
- Arriscraft International
- Ronald E. Barnett
- Joseph Bonifat
- David N. Owen, Bassco Caststone Inc.
- Nevis Eugene Cook
- James Cowie
- George E. Crow
- Terry Curtis
- John Dawe
- Michael DeBlasio
- Dr. Ece Erdogmus
- Brian C. Eubanks
- David Harris
- Dr. James R. Harris
- Gary B. Herrington
- Roy G. Hickman
- Lane Patrick Jobe
- Pam Jergenson
- John W. Jones
- Scott J. Klevenhagen
- Harry B. Kuchma
- James LaFave
- Donald D. Littler
- AHP Maurenbrecher
- David I. McLean
- William McEwen
- Glenn P. Rentschler
- Frederick Rutz
- Scott Sabol
- Michael Schuller
- Nigel G. Shrive
- Don Sporleder
- John R. Surratt
- Stephen S. Szoke
- Lawrence M. Tabat
- Trevor Taylor – In Honor of Cousin Joseph “Joey” Mitchell Miller
- David B. Woodham
- Garry J. Zarowny
Date Updated: 12/31/21